Stand Out with Contrarian Marketing

Doing the Opposite Gets You Noticed

Ever feel like all ads look the same? Everyone follows the same trends, uses the same words, and promotes the same way. But what if you did the opposite? That’s where contrarian marketing comes in. It’s all about standing out by doing things differently.

What is Contrarian Marketing?

Contrarian marketing means looking at what everyone else is doing and then doing something completely different. When you go against the crowd, people notice. You’re not just another voice in the sea; you’re the one that stands out.

Favorite Examples of Contrarian Marketing

Kanye West’s Yeezy Super Bowl Ad

Kanye West is known for doing things his own way. For his Yeezy fashion line, he created a Super Bowl commercial that was unlike any other, filming it from his cell phone in the backseat of a car.

“Hey y’all, this is Ye and this is my commercial,” began the dark, grainy vertically-shot iPhone video that did not look like an ad.

The “Gold Digger” rapper admitted that because he “spent all the money on the commercial spot” his brand “actually didn’t spend any money on the actual commercial.”

“But the idea is I want you to go to,” he continued, spelling out the site’s name and adding, “Imma write it at the bottom of the screen.”

West finished off the bizarre spot by saying, “and I got some shooooes, and ummmm… that’s it.”

This was wildly different from the typical ultra-expensive, high-energy, celebrity-filled Super Bowl ads, and it got people talking.

Did it work? Let’s do the math:

  • West spent $7 million for the airtime.
  • He spent $0 for the ad itself
  • And that ad resulted in $19 million in sales on the first day.

He essentially turned $7 million into $19 million… In one day.

Apple’s “Think Different” Campaign

When Apple launched its “Think Different” campaign, everyone else was focusing on how their products worked. Apple chose to focus on the people who used their products: artists, innovators, and thinkers.

The campaign celebrated creativity and individuality, which helped Apple stand out in the tech world.

Old Spice’s “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” Campaign

Old Spice was known for being an old-fashioned brand. Instead of continuing with their traditional ads, they created the “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign.

It featured funny, over-the-top commercials that were completely different from anything else at the time. This fresh approach made Old Spice cool and relevant again.

Tips for Your Own Contrarian Marketing Campaign

  1. Research Your Competition Look at what your competitors are doing. What do their ads look like? What message are they sending? Once you know this, you can plan to do something different.
  2. Understand Your Audience Know who your audience is and what they expect. Then, think about how you can surprise them. Doing the unexpected can grab their attention.
  3. Be Bold and Creative Don’t be afraid to take risks. Bold, creative ideas are what make contrarian marketing work. Think outside the box and try something new.
  4. Focus on Your Unique Selling Point (USP) What makes your product or service unique? Highlight this in a way that contrasts with your competitors. Show why you’re different and better.
  5. Keep It Simple Sometimes, simplicity stands out. In a world full of complicated messages, a simple, clear message can be very effective.
  6. Use Different Channels If everyone is advertising on TV, try social media. If everyone is on social media, try print. Using different channels can help you reach your audience in unexpected ways.

Contrarian marketing is about daring to be different. By doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing, you can stand out and get noticed.

It takes guts to film your Superbowl ad on your phone in one take from the back of your car. I mean really, who does something so different and crazy?

Someone who spends $7million to make $19million, that’s who.

Be bold, be creative, and watch how people start paying attention to you.

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