How to Get Free Book Publicity with Dedication Contests
You’re writing a book and you’re looking for ways to get the word out about it.
One novel approach (pun intended) is to run a dedication contest.
Become an Online Entrepreneur
You’re writing a book and you’re looking for ways to get the word out about it.
One novel approach (pun intended) is to run a dedication contest.
TikTok might be the latest, greatest social media channel, but don’t think for a second that Instagram is to be ignored.
You can build a huge, active and engaged audience on Instagram in just months or even weeks using this strategy.
I know I’ve said it before, but I love membership sites because of the ongoing income. Sell it once, get paid each month for as long as they remain members.
But one of the objections I often hear is, “But it’s going to take me months to build up the membership!”
I’m going to bet you can already name these topics, but just in case, here’s the list.
Backlinks – real, genuine, earned backlinks – are a crucial component of SEO. You can’t buy them in bulk and expect to get results because big brother… er… I mean Google, will know what you did.