Beware the Moderators from Hell
You’ve got a forum or a Facebook Group or some sort of social media platform that is keeping you super busy.
So what do you do?
Become an Online Entrepreneur
You’ve got a forum or a Facebook Group or some sort of social media platform that is keeping you super busy.
So what do you do?
Facebook “Jail” is when users are blocked or banned by Facebook from posting on the site or accessing their account. This is supposed to happen because of violations or spammy behavior, and it can lead to a Facebook account being deleted permanently.
I’m surfing the internet in an early morning pre-coffee daze when I see an ad for an odd-looking watch that says, “Handmade in Switzerland: 24 hours and only 1 hand…”
And I’m thinking, “Ohhhh-kaayyyyy… what fresh over-priced gimmick is this?”
CTA stands for Call to Action. When you’re talking about an email you’re sending to your list, the call to action is when you say, “Hey Reader, click this link to get a once in a lifetime deal” or some such.
I received an email the other day promoting contests, telling me how I can become a big winner if I know contesting secrets and so forth.